CALL 1300 EPAYDAY (1300 372 932)
Version 8.10 - Released 30 April 2014
When creating a Company Backup, a restore point automatically created named with the keyword ‘Rollback’.
Report Added: Payroll Summary.
Public Holiday Dates have been updated for the download file.
Added ‘Award’ Column to the Awards List Window.
When Finalising a pay run, the user is no longer prompted to perform a backup. Instead, a rollback restore point is automatically created using the Period End Date.
Pay Types list window, change column header on grid change SL to PL.
Corrected the position of the Enter Leave Dates label positions in Pay Advisor.
Changed ‘Description’ to read ‘Award’ on the Award Window.
Changed Add, Edit, Search, Duplicate Icons to be the same on Awards List, Pay Types List, Super Fund List, Employee List, Deductions Payee List, Super Choice (Multiple Super Funds) Windows.
Changed the Edit Icon to be the same in every Window.
Issues Resolved
Error occurs when a customer using a SAGE-Pastel export attempts to save a payslip. (Error was related to the ‘Primary Cost Centre’ code added to e-Cost™, not the SAGE-Pastel Primary Cost Centre).
Specific Leave reports are showing the number of accrued leave ‘days’ as a negative value.
Issue with the letter ‘T’ not working with the ‘Payrates/Allowances/Deductions’ columns while setting up a pay on the Pay Run window.
Issue with ‘Backup ALL Companies Data and Archives’ function has been fixed.
Windows on the main drop down fixed (the sub menus were somehow deleted).
Utilities menu on the main bar is now enabled when no company is open. BUT only ‘Transfer from Old PC’ or ‘Transfer to New PC’ is visible depending on the number of companies are in the system.
Last ‘Pay Period Ending’ on payslip/pay advice reports are not showing the right date – showing payment date instead of period ending.
Calendar (DAYS – MON, TUE, WED etc.) changed font to a darker colour.
When a pay is setup with the total hours including ‘leave’ which is more than the expected base award hours, the user will be asked to either accept of change the number of pay periods.
ETP payments (which have their own specific tax rate) are now calculated using their set tax rate. This will ensure that ETP payments can be setup in any pay type order.
Tax average warning changed to allow the user to enter the number of pay periods that the Tax is calculated over.
Version 8.00 - Released 17 March 2014
Now includes the ability to setup Default settings which can be used when adding employees.
Prompt to use default settings when setting up a new employee.
Can now add dates to pay lines when processing a pay run.
There is also the option to autofill dates for each row in the pay window.
Ability to enter variable percentage for leave loading which will be used when printing reports.
Extra section for Super Fund Manager which displays information similar to the Employer Periodic Superannuation SG Contributions report.
When changing an employees Super Fund or Employees Super Fund Number, all unprocessed Super transactions can be transferred to the new Super Fund.
New report Employee Periodic Superannuation Report (Cheque) which contains detailed employee information.
Employer Periodic Superannuation SG Contributions can now be printed by date range.
Ability to remove ‘carried forward’ amounts for each Superannuation fund.
e-Time™ now includes totals at the bottom of the ‘Timesheet’ section.
A time conversion tool can be accessed in the Pay Run Window by pressing the ‘T’ when in the Qty column when setting up a pay.
The number of employees has increased to from 500 to 750 for e-PayDay® MC.
The number of employees has increased to from 1000 to 1500 for e-PayDay® UC.
New Pay Type has been added, Annual Leave (Cashed Out) which is taxed at the Marginal Rate.
e-Time™ reports can now be printed one employee per page.
e-Time™ reports can now be e-mailed to employees.
Reports can be exported to PDF without previewing.
Export Super Payments to any fund that accepts .CSV files (SuperStream ready).
New Report Employee Listing (Salary) (similar to Employee Listing) has been added which includes additional information such as the Date Hired and expected yearly Salary.
Superannuation Guarantee can now be set with a cap in the Employees Award. This will limit the maximum annualised Superannuation Guarantee.
If the Superannuation Guarantee cap is reached when composing a employee's pay a message will be displayed.
Award ‘Rate per Hour’ amount can be increased by a dollar or percentage amount at a specified date.
Report showing changes to Award when the ‘Rate per Hour’ was changed. This report is related to the previous item.
A new pay type Public Holiday (Taxed at Marginal Rate), works the same as ‘Public Holiday’ except for taxation.
New Custom Alert message to appear during a Pay run, similar to how the Birthday message works.
Option for Generic file import for time clocks.
When creating a Rollback during a Pay Run the ‘Period Ending date’ is added to the Rollback file.
Added ability to exclude selected employees from FAST-Bank™ File.
When importing data, the current company data file will automatically be backed up.
Ability to delete history from e-Leave™.
New e-Cost™ reports based on the original reports. New reports allow for grouping/filtering by Primary Cost Centre.
The Pay Slip message box has been increased from 72 to 200 characters.
Allow for an additional attachment to be supplied with emailed Payslips.
The Accruals can be checked against estimated values. Also the estimated values can replace the existing values.
RDO % (% of Hours), Accrual of RDO is a percentage of the hours.
When updating a time card for an employee, the accrual balances are now automatically updated.
New accounting export – Clear Objective.
Includes Cloud Backup, Restore and upload functionality.
60 Day Trial now allows for UNLIMITED Companies.
Additional $ amount can be added to SG when paying an employee.
Termination Pay Type Payment In Lieu Of Notice (ETP) which is taxed at 31.5 %
A message is displayed When the tax is reduced due to leave payments over more than one pay period when composing an employee's Pay Slip.
Ability to turn off splash screens which appear when using e-PayDay® Extensions.
New accrual method ‘Per hour Pro-Rata After X hours’. This is only for Annual Leave and Long Service Leave.
Added ability to import URL as well as IP Address for Bio-Clock configurations.
Additional Superannuation fields have been added to e-PayDay® ready for the full implementation of SuperStream.
When creating a file (reports, backup etc), you are now prompted to retry 3 times if the last used location was not found.
When creating a file (reports, backup etc), and the save location has changed from the last used location, you are prompted to make this the new location.
When an error message is displayed with regards to Finalising a pay the support phone number is displayed.
The ‘Accrual Cost Estimate’ Report, now contains a Grand Total amount when reported by ‘Current Pay Period’.
Updated the file filter when performing a Company Rollback to make it easier to find the currently open company rollback file.
Update the link to menu item ‘Help’ >‘Product Updates on the Web’ to
‘Sick Leave’ Pay Type Name changed to ‘Personal Leave’ to coincide with FairWork & NES.
In e-Leave™ ‘empty records’ are no longer loaded. Also both ‘Scheduled’ and ‘Taken’ leave are shown together.
When processing a termination pay run, an alert will display if the termination date is not the current financial year.
Updated all three ‘Withholding Tax’ Reports to be consistent with the ‘Withholding Tax – Total/Weekly’ report.
Increased the delay between backing up and finalising the pay run.
The FAST-Pay™ operation now accepts the file “FASTPay.csv” as well as the original “FASTPay.txt”
Increased the width of the Super Number/Member Number field in Super Reports where possible.
Only the ‘Total Tax’ field can be edited on a Payslip. If the ‘Total Tax’ is not the same as the ‘PAYG Tax’ plus the ‘Additional Tax’ the ‘Total Tax’ label will turn red.
Even though it is NOT RECOMMENDED you can now save an employee without the ‘Employee Code’ or ‘Employee Clock ID’.
Updated the e-Port™ Import and Export functions to be more user friendly.
Issues Resolved
Super related reports were displaying ###### instead of dollar amounts.
When PAYG Non Tax ‘C’ is edited, Total Tax (E = C + D) does not update accordingly.
The ‘Employee Birthday List’ report would show Terminated employees using specific date ranges regardless of other settings.
Selected pay run Posting (wording) is not changing to TO (wording) when report period is changed from current pay period to specific date range.
e-Cost™ – Fixed automatic hours allocation to first cost centre.
When editing a Cost Centre Description an error would occur when pressing the ‘Tab’ key.
Expected Payment Date does not save when adding a new super fund.
The report ‘Pre-printed Cheques (2 Cheques per page 183 × 140mm)’ was printing information for the full financial year not the period specified.
When a deduction is added, it is automatically added to the deduction payee screen.
Updated the Accurals message on the Employee Window related to Long Service Leave. Now displays the correct information.
Correctly saves job title when adding new employee.
The ‘Reports Filter’ option in the Report window was not saving correctly under certain circumstances.
A system error could occur when attempting to create a FAST-Bank™ file with no ‘Active’ employees set to be paid via FAST-Bank™.
Fixed the issue when Double clicking Icons could result in strange behaviour, or at worse a system error.
When creating a TFN Declaration file for ECI the file was not saved to the expected file path.
Correct dates are now showing in the ‘FAST-Bank™’ reports.
When creating clearing house file for super an error would display, ‘superwriteoutputfile’.
When first switching on the ‘Multi-Super’ option an error would occur when paying a Super Fund.
Using the ‘PAYG Labour Hire & Other Specified Payments’ tax type was causing issues during a pay run.
When running e-PayDay® BE as a Trial, Primary Cost Centres would not be allocated the default amounts. unless the Pay Slip was saved and opened again.